WOW!! More unpublished adventures of the Golden Age Atom!

Last time, we left off having established that the likeliest reason that “The Empress, The Gold, and The Lady With The Torch” was never published was due to the end of the war. With the U.S. and Germany no longer at war, there was no longer any need for wartime propaganda, and the story itself would no longer have made sense to readers. But that doesn’t explain why there were so many other Golden Age Atom stories that also went unpublished.

Continue reading WOW!! More unpublished adventures of the Golden Age Atom!

“The Empress, The Gold, and the Lady with the Torch”: unpublished adventures of the Golden Age Atom

With the seeming abundance of historical scholarship on the Golden Age of comic books, it can be easy to forget that there’s a lot we just don’t know and will never know about the period. The Golden Age produced some of the enduring icons of modern Western culture: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, the Flash. More books have been written about their creators, their first appearances, and the creative processes behind them than anyone should ever read. Memorabilia, production art, and old comic books related to those big names tend to be saved. There’s so much we have been able to preserve and know about the histories of these characters.

Continue reading “The Empress, The Gold, and the Lady with the Torch”: unpublished adventures of the Golden Age Atom

“How Superman Would End The War,” and Why He Didn’t: DC Comics vs. the Real World

Recently, after the next Fantastic Beasts movie title hit the internet, certain quarters of Film Twitter noticed a pretty cringey fact about the film: it will address “the Wizarding World’s involvement in World War II.” Inevitably, the Harry Potter Franchise stans came out of the woodwork to defend a movie which hasn’t come out yet. Many of them asked why anyone would take issue with such a plot.

Continue reading “How Superman Would End The War,” and Why He Didn’t: DC Comics vs. the Real World